Where can I find the manual on declaring hours?
Other related questions
How can I declare my own hours?
<p>Login to "My PDZ" and go to Declarations via the Dashboard or via the left menu. Open the declaration. If there are several declarations, make sure that you choose the right week (the week in which you worked). Enter your hours worked and click on "Save". After saving click on Submit. Attention! Only then will the hours be sent to your employer. You do not have to fill in your lunch break, this time is for your own account. It is important that your hours are entered every Monday at the latest, so that we can make sure that you receive your salary on time.</p>
What is meant by overtime?
<p>Overtime is the hours you work outside of your normal work week.</p>
When do I submit supplemental hours?
<p>In your contract you can see to which bonus hours you are entitled. For example, sometimes you get a supplement for hours worked on special days, such as Sundays and public holidays, or hours worked outside office hours, such as evening or night work.</p>
How do I submit my supplemental hours?
<p>In jouw contract zie je terug op welke toeslaguren je recht hebt. Deze toeslaguren zie je ook terug in jouw declaratie. Vul op de dagen/tijden dat je recht hebt op deze toeslag, jouw gewerkte uren in onder deze kolom. Vergeet niet om altijd af te sluiten met “opslaan” en “indienen”. Indien je de toeslaguren niet terugziet in jouw declaratie is het verstandig om contact op te nemen met jouw contactpersoon bij PDZ.</p>
How can I withdraw vacation hours?
<p>If you have received permission from your manager to take days off, you can choose to have these days paid from your accrued vacation entitlement. You can see how many days/hours you have accumulated under "My PDZ" under "Reservations". If you have accumulated enough hours to have your days off paid out, you can fill in the number of hours you want to take in in the relevant declaration under "paid vacations in hours".</p>