FAQ - Change your details

Want to know how to change your information, ID, payment frequency or payroll tax credit? You can read it here!

How can I change the payment frequency?

You can change the payment frequency of your salary by phone; 075-6501095 or email; midoffice@stan.nl

How can I change my payroll tax credit?

You can change your payroll tax credit by phone; 075-6501095 or email; midoffice@stan.nl. You will then be sent a new form that you must sign.

How do I change my address, bank account number or phone number?

You can change your address, bank account number or phone number by phone; 075-6501095 or email; midoffice@stan.nl

I have a new ID, now what?

You can have your proof of identity scanned at the PDZ office. You are welcome here from Monday to Friday from 08:30-17:30 hours.
